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Official Website of Author

Echo Still

“2012 Manuscript of Merit.”

—Association of Jewish Libraries

My Story

TIM TIBBITTS is the author of two novels, Echo Still and Playing Possum, the libretto for The Story of An Hour (opera, composed by Scott Little), and dozens of newspaper and magazine feature articles. Currently at work on a second opera and a full-length musical, Tim also tries to squeeze in time to “spread the good word” about opera through his blog, The Opera Evangelist.   


A graduate of Brown University, George Washington University, and Ursuline College, Tim taught high school English before going on to start and run a private tutoring business, The Whole Kid.  


Delighted after decades of delay to be writing every day, Tim’s offers the following plea to would be writers of any age:  “Read everyday. Write everyday. Don’t be afraid to follow any idea even if it leads to a story you don’t want your parents or your friends to read. And never—even for a second—allow anyone to convince you that you don’t have what it takes or that writing is something that only ‘other people’ can do!”


Tim Tibbitts lives in Cleveland, Ohio, with his wife, Kittie Warshawsky.  

My Books
Offers & Events

Echo Still E-book Offer

For A Limited Time Only! (2/28/20-3/6/20)

Get your copy of the Echo Still e-book for only $.99 on,, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Google Play, and Apple Store.

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